Timothy Finnigan

Adjunct Instructor at Quinlan School of Business


  • Quinlan School of Business



Quinlan School of Business

Strategic Marketing Executive: Demonstrated success developing and executing strategies to deliver revenue growth. High-impact marketing strategist with a proven track record of leading cross-functional projects and consistently meeting or exceeding business goals.

• Proven leader: Executive leadership of brand strategy and execution, known as a team player with a strong track record of developing, promoting, and hiring talent

• Brand Strategy and Marketing: Expertise in defining brand strategy, promise, and positioning

• Inbound Marketing: Responsible for inbound marketing; with experience building online audiences/readerships, and generating inbound traffic

• PR and Communications: Experience leading PR and communications building relationships with the press, analysts and industry influencers/stakeholders

• Organic Search (SEO) and Social Marketing: Expertise in driving company growth through organic marketing, including developing programs for SEO and social marketing

• Product Marketing: Successful history of executing marketing campaigns to support product and market launches

• Marketing Creative: Understanding of the interplay between visual and written mediums; working directly with creative teams to execute marketing campaigns

• Lead Generation: Drove inbound leads through thought leadership, webinars and online marketing campaigns


Marketing UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON 1986 to 1990

Marketing LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO - MBA 2006 to 2009

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