Tino Prat

Professor at IDEC Universitat Pompeu Fabra



Graduate in Business Sciences and MBA from ESADE CE79. Since 1977 businessman in family and multinational companies. He is an expert in managing business, family and personal crises, thanks to having gone through them.

Specialist in the creation of multinational Joint Ventures with offices in Europe, America and Asia. Former professor at ESADE (Ramon Llul University), he has taught and trained in negotiation in crisis situations (PON Harvard U. 2002) and Mediation (Florida International University 2002). He co-created the Conflict Mentoring model for conflict resolution (2002) (www.conflictmentoring.com). Co-author of the book Conflict Mentoring (2008 Bresca Ed.) and The Conflict Map (2014 Profit Editorial).

In 1990 he began his career in personal growth, training in: mentoring, mind control, psycho-cybernetics, neuro feedback, meditation, mindfulness, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), family and organizational constellations, AT - Transactional Analysis, Brief Strategic Therapy, Appreciative Dialogues, cabalistic symbology and numerology, Psychogenealogy, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Biodescoding, Transgenerational Analysis and other models of humanistic psychology...

Since 1996 he has been a business consultant specialized in the transformation and development of teams (model: Governance Mentoring).

Since 2002 he has accompanied personal transformation, providing self-help tools as a mentor. In 2007 she obtained the License from Dr. Carballo to teach the Course Learning to be Free. In 2011 he created the Wang Institute for personal and organizational transformation, through the course "7 days for a lifetime" among others.

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