Tobias Svanstrøm

Professor - Department of Accounting Auditing and Business Analytics at BI Norwegian Business School


  • BI Norwegian Business School



BI Norwegian Business School


  • 2008 Umeå University Ph.D.
  • 2001 Umeå University Master


  • 2009 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Assistant professor
  • 2008 - Present Umeå University Assistant professor/senior lecturer
  • 2002 - 2008 Umeå University Lecturer/PhD student


Che, Limei; Langli, John Christian; Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

Education, Experience and Audit Effort. Auditing 2017 BI HSN

Sundgren, Stefan; Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

Is the Public Oversight of Auditors Effective? The Impact of Sanctions on Loss of Clients, Salary and Audit Reporting. The European Accounting Review 2016 BI

Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

Time Pressure, Training Activities and Dysfunctional Auditor Behavior: Evidence from Small Audit Firms. International Journal of Auditing 2016 ;Volume 20.(1) p. 42-51

Svanstrøm, Tobias; Alexeyeva, Irina. 

The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Audit and Non-Audit Fees: Evidence from Sweden. Managerial Auditing Journal 2015 ;Volume 30.(5/6) p. 302-323

Sundgren, Stefan; Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

Auditor-in-Charge Characteristics and Going Concern Reporting. Contemporary Accounting Research 2014 ;Volume 31.(2) p. 531-550 BI

Sormunen, Nina; Jeppesen, Kim Klarskov; Sundgren, Stefan; Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

Harmonisation of Audit Practice: Empirical Evidence from Going-Concern Reporting in the Nordic Countries. International Journal of Auditing 2013 ;Volume 17.(3) p. 308-326 BI

Sundgren, Stefan; Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

Audit office size, audit quality and audit pricing: evidence from small- and medium-sized enterprises. Accounting and Business Research 2013 ;Volume 43.(1) p. 31-55 BI

Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

Non-audit services and audit quality: Evidence from private firms. The European Accounting Review 2013 ;Volume 22.(2) p. 337-366 BI

Svanstrøm, Tobias; Boter, Håkan. 

Regional Variation in the SME-Audit Firm Relationship. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing 2012 ;Volume 8.(3) p. 340-356 BI

Svanstrøm, Tobias; Sundgren, Stefan. 

The Demand for Non-audit Services and Auditor-Client Relationships - Evidence from Swedish Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. International Journal of Auditing 2012 ;Volume 16.(1) p. 54-78 BI


Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

Vilka är de vanligaste bristerna i en revision? En kartläggning av RN:s disciplinärenden 2009-2014.. Balans : tidskrift för redovisning och revision 2015 (4) Suppl. Fördjupning p. 12-14 BI

Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

En studie av revisorers rapportering av fortsatt drift. Balans : tidskrift för redovisning och revision 2014 ;Volume 40.(3) Suppl. Fördjupning p. 10-12 BI

Svanstrøm, Tobias; Sundgren, Stefan. 

Avskaffad plikt kräver ökat fokus på rådgivningstjänster. Balans : tidskrift för redovisning och revision 2010 (4) p. 50-53 BI


Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

Demand for volundary financial audits: Evidence from Sweden. 5th Workshop on Auditing and Financial Accounting Research (AFAR); 2010-02-11 - 2010-02-12 BI


Giunti, Giulia; Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

The Role of Auditing in Banks’ Risk Assessment of SMEs: A literature review and new venues for future research. I: Motivating SMEs to Cooperate and Internationalize: A Dynamic Perspective. Routledge 2017 ISBN 978-1-138-22057-7. BI

Langli, John Christian; Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

Audits of private companies. I: The Routledge Companion to Auditing. Routledge 2014 ISBN 978-0-415-63363-5. p. 148-158 BI

Svanstrøm, Tobias. 

Förbud mot rådgivningstjänster till revisionsklienter och krav på rotation av revisionsbyrå - Är revisorns oberoende överreglerat?. I: Moderne forretningsjus II. Fagbokforlaget 2011 ISBN 978-82-450-1215-6. p. 431-462 BI

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