Tony Eccles
VIsiting Professor of Leadership for Competitiveness and Change at University of Suffolk Business School
Tony Eccles is Visiting Professor of Leadership for Competitiveness and Change at Suffolk Business School. Leaving school at 15, he became a shop floor blue-collar apprentice and then ship's engineer. After going to university from night school, he worked for 10 years in operations management with Unilever.
He was Professor of Strategic Management at London Business School for 15 years. He has consulted with many organisations as well as leading senior executive and board-level workshops for clients such as Aviva, BBC, BG Group, GlaxoSmithKline, InterContinental Hotels, Rolls-Royce, Smith & Nephew and Standard Chartered.
He has been a television presenter and an award-winning copywriter and is the author of "Under New Management", "Succeeding With Change" and (co-authored with Jules Goddard) "Uncommon Sense, Common Nonsense; Why some organisations consistently outperform others" Profile Books 2012. Also published in China, Taiwan, Thailand. 2nd Edition and US publication 2013. Reprinted in 2014. Currently working on 2 new Management books with the working titles of "Fruitful Outcomes" and "Harmonising the Spheres".
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