Tyler Okimoto
Professor at UQ Business School
UQ Business School
Researcher biography
TYLER OKIMOTO is a Professor in Management and Deputy Head of the Business School at the University of Queensland. He received his Ph.D. in Organisational Psychology from New York University in 2005, and worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Psychology at Flinders University in Australia, and in the School of Management at Yale University.
Tyler's research aims to better facilitate collaboration and consensus between diverse points of view, and to understand the role of leadership in overcoming those challenges. He often examines consensus/collaboration as a conduit for social justice in organisations and society, both how a lack of consensus contributes to injustice and inequality, and how people can effectively collaborate to move past conflict and repair harmonious relationships. He currently serves as President of the International Society for Justice Research, committed to fostering impactful interdisciplinary research that advances social justice.
He is also an award-winning educator, teaching both traditional and online/blended courses on leadership, human resources, conflict/negotiation, and decision-making in the Undergraduate, MBA, and Executive levels. He was also the Program Director and Academic Lead Designer of UQ’s MicroMasters Program in Business Leadership, a series of five postgraduate-level MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses); in its first year, this program reached over 60,000 learners from 193 different countries, and was a 2019 finalist for the global edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions to Online Education.
Book Chapters
- Wenzel, Michael and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2016). Retributive justice. In Clara Sabbagh and Manfred Schmitt (Ed.), Handbook of social justice theory and research (pp. 237-256) New York, NY, United States: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-3216-0_13
- Mullen, Elizabeth and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2015). Compensatory justice. In Russell S. Cropanzano and Maureen L. Ambrose (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Justice in the Workplace (pp. 477-496) New York, NY, United States: Oxford Univerisity Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199981410.001.0001
- Okimoto, Tyler G., Wenzel, Michael and Platow, Michael J. (2010). Restorative justice: Seeking a shared identity in dynamic intragroup contexts. In Elizabeth A. Mannix, Margaret A. Neale and Elizabeth Mullen (Ed.), Fairness and groups (pp. 205-244) Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing. doi:10.1108/S1534-0856(2010)0000013011
Journal Articles
- Okimoto, Tyler G., Hornsey, Matthew J. and Wenzel, Michael (2019) The power of grassroots expressions of remorse for promoting intergroup forgiveness. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 80 39-51. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2018.10.003
- Yates, Miriam S. and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2018) Changing beliefs about female leader advancement following the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 194855061876639. doi:10.1177/1948550618766399
- Dat, Mylyn C. and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2018) Exploring new directions in self-forgiveness research: integrating self and other perspectives on moral repair. Social Justice Research, 31 2: 206-217. doi:10.1007/s11211-018-0308-7
- Dat, Mylyn C. and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2018) Exploring new directions in self-forgiveness research: integrating self and other perspectives on moral repair. Social Justice Research, 31 2: 206-217. doi:10.1007/s11211-018-0308-7
- van Doorn, Janne, Zeelenberg, Marcel, Breugelmans, Seger M., Berger, Sebastian and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2018) Prosocial consequences of third-party anger. Theory and Decision, 84 4: 585-599. doi:10.1007/s11238-017-9652-6
- Brescoll, Victoria L., Okimoto, Tyler G. and Vial, Andrea C. (2018) You've Come a Long Way…Maybe: How Moral Emotions Trigger Backlash Against Women Leaders. Journal of Social Issues, 74 1: 144-164. doi:10.1111/josi.12261
- Wenzel, Michael, Okimoto, Tyler G., Hornsey, Matthew J., Lawrence-Wood, Ellie and Coughlin, Anne-Marie (2017) The mandate of the collective: apology representativeness determines perceived sincerity and forgiveness in intergroup contexts. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43 6: 758-771. doi:10.1177/0146167217697093
- Wenzel, Michael, Lawrence-Wood, Ellie, Okimoto, Tyler G. and Hornsey, Matthew J. (2017) A long time coming: delays in collective apologies and their effects on sincerity and forgiveness. Political Psychology, 39 3: 649-666. doi:10.1111/pops.12421
- Zhu, Yunxia, Okimoto, Tyler G., Roan, Amanda and Xu, Henry (2017) Developing management student cultural fluency for the real world: a situated cultural learning approach. Education and Training, 59 4: 353-373. doi:10.1108/ET-03-2016-0059
- Hornsey, Matthew J., Okimoto, Tyler G. and Wenzel, Michael (2017) The appraisal gap: why victim and transgressor groups disagree on the need for a collective apology. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47 2: 135-147. doi:10.1002/ejsp.2279
- Okimoto, Tyler G. and Gromet, Dena M. (2016) Differences in sensitivity to deviance partly explain ideological divides in social policy support. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 111 1: 98-117. doi:10.1037/pspp0000080
- Steffens, Nick K., Mols, Frank, Haslam, S. Alexander and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2016) True to what We stand for: Championing collective interests as a path to authentic leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 27 5: 726-744. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2016.04.004
- Wenzel, Michael and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2015) “We forgive”: A group’s act of forgiveness and its restorative effects on members’ feelings of justice and sentiments towards the offender group. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 18 5: 655-675. doi:10.1177/1368430215586274
- Okimoto, Tyler G., Wenzel, Michael and Hornsey, Matthew J. (2015) Apologies demanded yet devalued: normative dilution in the age of apology. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 60 133-136. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2015.05.008
- van den Bos, Kees, Cropanzano, Russell, Kirk, Jessica, Jasso, Guillermina and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2015) Expanding the Horizons of Social Justice Research: Three Essays on Justice Theory. Social Justice Research, 28 2: 229-246. doi:10.1007/s11211-015-0237-7
- Thomas, David C, Liao, Yuan, Aycan, Zeynep, Cerdin, Jean-Luc, Pekerti, Andre A., Ravlin, Elizabeth C., Stahl, Günter K., Lazarova, Mila B., Fock, Henry, Arli, Denni, Moeller, Miriam, Okimoto, Tyler and van de Vijver, Fons (2015) Cultural intelligence: a theory-based, short form measure. Journal of International Business Studies, 46 9: 1099-1118. doi:10.1057/jibs.2014.67
- Okimoto, Tyler G. (2014) Toward more interesting research questions: problematizing theory in social justice. Social Justice Research, 27 3: 395-411. doi:10.1007/s11211-014-0215-5
- Gromet, Dena M. and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2014) Back into the fold: the influence of offender amends and victim forgiveness on peer reintegration. Business Ethics Quarterly, 24 3: 411-441. doi:10.5840/beq20147814
- Okimoto, Tyler G. and Wenzel, Michael (2014) Bridging diverging perspectives and repairing damaged relationships in the aftermath of workplace transgressions. Business Ethics Quarterly, 24 3: 443-473. doi:10.5840/beq201471515
- Wenzel, Michael and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2014) On the relationship between justice and forgiveness: are all forms of justice made equal?. British Journal of Social Psychology, 53 3: 463-483. doi:10.1111/bjso.12040
- Okimoto, Tyler G., Wenzel, Michael and Hedrick, Kyli (2013) Refusing to apologize can have psychological benefits (and we issue no mea culpa for this research finding). European Journal of Social Psychology, 43 1: 22-31. doi:10.1002/ejsp.1901
- Okimoto, Tyler G. and Heilman, Madeline E. (2012) The “Bad Parent” assumption: how gender stereotypes affect reactions to working mothers. Journal of Social Issues, 68 4: 704-724. doi:10.1111/j.1540-4560.2012.01772.x
- Gromet, Dena M., Okimoto, Tyler G., Wenzel, Michael and Darley, John (2012) A victim-centered approach to justice? Victim satisfaction effects on third-party punishments. Law and Human Behavior, 36 5: 375-389. doi:10.1037/h0093922
- Okimoto, Tyler G. and Wrzesniewski, Amy (2012) Effort in the face of difference: Feeling like a non-prototypical group member motivates effort. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42 5: 628-639. doi:10.1002/ejsp.1877
- Wenzel, Michael and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2012) The varying meaning of forgiveness: Relationship closeness moderates how forgiveness affects feelings of justice. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42 4: 420-431. doi:10.1002/ejsp.1850
- Okimoto, Tyler G., Wenzel, Michael and Feather, N. T. (2012) Retribution and Restoration as General Orientations Towards Justice. European Journal of Personality, 26 3: 255-275. doi:10.1002/per.831
- Wenzel, Michael, Okimoto, Tyler G. and Cameron, Kate (2012) Do Retributive and Restorative Justice Processes Address Different Symbolic Concerns?. Critical Criminology, 20 1: 25-44. doi:10.1007/s10612-011-9147-7
- Okimoto, Tyler G. and Wenzel, Michael (2011) Third-party punishment and symbolic intragroup status. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47 4: 709-718. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2011.02.001
- Okimoto, Tyler G. and Wenzel, Michael (2011) The other side of perspective taking: Transgression ambiguity and victims' revenge against their offender. Social Psychological & Personality Science, 2 4: 373-378. doi:10.1177/1948550610393032
- De Castella, Krista, Platow, Michael J., Wenzel, Michael, Okimoto, Tyler and Feather, Norman T. (2011) Retribution or restoration? Anglo–Australian's views towards domestic violence involving Muslim and Anglo–Australian victims and offenders. Psychology, Crime and Law, 17 5: 403-420. doi:10.1080/10683160903292253
- Lotz, Sebastian, Okimoto, Tyler, G., Schlosser, Thomas and Fetchenhauer, Detlaf (2011) Punitive versus compensatory reactions to injustice: Emotional antecedents to third-party interventions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47 2: 477-480. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2010.10.004
- Wenzel, Michael, Turner, Jasmin K. and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2010) Is forgiveness an outcome or initiator of sociocognitive processes? Rumination, empathy, and cognitive appraisals following a transgression. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1 4: 369-377. doi:10.1177/1948550610376598
- Wenzel, Michael, Okimoto, Tyler G., Feather, Norman T. and Platow, Michael J. (2010) Justice through consensus: Shared identity and the preference for a restorative notion of justice. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40 6: 909-930. doi:10.1002/ejsp.657
- Okimoto, Tyler G. and Brescoll, Victoria L. (2010) The price of power: Power seeking and backlash against female politicians. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36 7: 923-936. doi:10.1177/0146167210371949
- Okimoto, Tyler G. and Wenzel, Michael (2010) The symbolic identity implications of inter and intra-group transgressions. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40 3: 552-562. doi:10.1002/ejsp.704
- Wenzel, Michael and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2010) How acts of forgiveness restore a sense of justice: Addressing status/power and value concerns raised by transgressions. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40 3: 401-417. doi:10.1002/ejsp.629
- Okimoto, Tyler G. and Wenzel, Michael (2009) Punishment as restoration of group and offender values following a transgression: Value consensus through symbolic labelling and offender reform. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39 3: 346-367. doi:10.1002/ejsp.537
- Okimoto, Tyler G., Wenzel, Michael and Feather, N. T. (2009) Beyond retribution: Conceptualizing restorative justice and exploring its determinants. Social Justice Research, 22 1: 156-180. doi:10.1007/s11211-009-0092-5
- Okimoto, Tyler G. (2009) The moderating and mediating role of group identification in observers' reactions to intragroup disrespect. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39 1: 69-81. doi:10.1002/ejsp.474
- Liberman, Benjamin E. and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2008) Information regarding social-sexual behavior as an antecedent to perceptions of ineffectiveness in the workplace. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38 11: 2787-2820. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2008.00414.x
- Wenzel, Michael, Okimoto, Tyler G., Feather Norman T. and Platow, Michael J. (2008) Retributive and restorative justice. Law and Human Behavior, 32 5: 375-389. doi:10.1007/s10979-007-9116-6
- Okimoto, Tyler G. (2008) Outcomes as affirmation of membership value: Monetary compensation as an administrative response to procedural injustice. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44 5: 1270-1282. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2008.04.009
- Okimoto, Tyler G. and Wenzel, Michael (2008) The symbolic meaning of transgressions: Towards a unifying framework of justice restoration. Advances in Group Processes, 25 291-326. doi:10.1016/S0882-6145(08)25004-6
- Heilman, Madeline E. and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2008) Motherhood: A potential source of bias in employment decisions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93 1: 189-198. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.93.1.189
- Okimoto, Tyler G. and Tyler, Tom R. (2007) Is compensation enough? Relational concerns in responding to unintended inequity. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 10 3: 383-398. doi:10.1177/1368430207078701
- Heilman, Madeline E. and Okimoto, Tyler G. (2007) Why are women penalized for success at male tasks?: The implied communality deficit. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92 1: 81-92. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.92.1.81
Conference Papers
- Okimoto, Tyler and Gromet, Dena (2013). The influence of offender amends and victim forgiveness on reintegration. In: Martin Grimmer and Rob Hecker, Proceedings of the 27th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: Managing from the Edge. ANZAM Conference 2013: 27th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Hobart, TAS, Australia, (). 4-6 December, 2013.
- Okimoto, Tyler and Blader, Steven (2013). Ingroup bias in the enactment of organizational fairness. In: Martin Grimmer and Rob Hecker, Proceedings of the 27th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: Managing from the Edge. ANZAM Conference 2013: 27th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Hobart, Australia, (). 4-6 December 2013.
- Okimoto, T. and Wrzesniewski, A. (2006). Inclusionary concerns and effort-based performance in groups: Expectations and peripheral membership. In: Australian Journal of Psychology. , , (43-43). .
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