Urban Fasel

Lecturer in Data-Driven Aerospace Engineering at Imperial College London


  • Imperial College London



Imperial College London


I am a lecturer in the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London. My research interests range from machine learning and data science for modeling and control of complex systems to flexible composite structures, intelligent flight, and renewable energy systems. Prior to joining Imperial, I was a postdoc at the University of Washington, mentored by Steve Brunton, and closely collaborating with Bing Brunton and Nathan Kutz. I received my Doctor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at ETH Zurich, mentored by Paolo Ermanni, developing design optimization and control methods for morphing wings applied to Airborne Wind Energy.


  • Master Course Exchange Semester The University of Tokyo (2014 — 2015)
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) ETH Zürich (2010 — 2013)
  • Matura Collège St. Michel Fribourg (2005 — 2009)


  • Lecturer in Aeronautics Imperial College London (2022)
  • Postdoctoral Researcher University of Washington (2020 — 2022)
  • PHD Candidate ETH Zürich (2016 — 2020)
  • Summer Internship Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (2015 — 2015)
  • Research Internship Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan (2013 — 2013)
  • Head of Aerodynamics Akademischer Motorsportverein Zürich (AMZ) (2012 — 2013)
  • Workshop Internship Schweizer AG (2011 — 2011)
  • Car Mechanic Internship Garage Fasel (2009 — 2010)

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