Valérie Gauthier
Associate Professor, Languages and Cultures at HEC Paris
HEC Paris
Valérie Gauthier was educated in France and the United States, with a BS in Psychology (University Paris V), Masters in Modern Literature (University of Paris III) and English (University of Oklahoma), a PhD in Comparative Literature (Sorbonne) and Stanford’s Graduate Business School’s Executive Program (EPSO). Drawing from her expertise in linguistics and poetic translation as well as leadership and cross-cultural relationships, she has built relational communication and leadership development programs in schools and in companies under the concept of savoir-relier¿ or the capacity and will to build sensible, sustainable and trustworthy relationships within complex systems and across boundaries, hence encouraging and valuing differences to engage in positive and mindful innovation. Dr. Gauthier was Dean of the HEC MBA Program from 2002 to 2010 where she redesigned the MBA curriculum and restructured the program with a view towards future societal and educational shifts. Under her two mandates, the program underwent a fundamental transformation that has placed the HEC MBA among the top MBA programs worldwide (FT MBA ranking – 18th in 2011 vs 67th in 2002. She has taught relational leadership and business communication courses at NYU Stern and MIT Sloan as Visiting Professor since 2011. She holds the new HEC-Pernod Ricard Leadership Chair since October 2013 and will launch a new “Leadership certificate” Program for HEC Paris in April 2014. Elected best HEC Professor of the year, she received in 2001 the HEC Vernimmen award. In 2010 she was decorated as Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honor and that same year was selected as Visionary by Fortune.
She was Professional Athlete (won Gold Medal in French Ski Open Master 2 category in 2004 and 4th place in US NAIA Tennis Championship in 1983). Her passions include poetry, painting, education and technology. Her research includes the following publications: “Leading with Sense: The Intuitive Power of savoir-relier”, book published by Stanford University Press and Eyrolles under the Title: Le Savoir-Relier. Le Savoir-Relier, chapter in Les Sept Clés du Leadership, Edition L’Archipel, 2010. "Repenser l’éducation des futurs leaders" in La Tribune, September 2009; "Pour un apprentissage du leadership" in Les Echos, May 2008; “Intuitive intelligence and leadership” in L’art du management, 2008; "Le leadership, une construction de soi" in La Tribune, April 2007; "La lente mais irrésistible montée des femmes" in Les Echos, October 2005; "Le "savoir-relier" et son importance dans la formation au management" in Les Echos, September 2004, “savoir-relier” (with JP Larçon et J. Lendrevie) in L’Ecole des managers de demain, 1994, in Economica.
- 2008 EPSO (Executive Education Program in Strategy and Organization), Stanford Graduate Business School, USA.
- 1995 Doctorat Es Lettres (Ph.D. in Comparative Literature), Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, France.
- 1994 Bi-admissible à l''agrégation d''anglais, __, France.
- 1989 CAPES, __, France.
- 1988 DEA de Littérature comparée, Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, France.
- 1987 Master of Arts d''anglais, Université d''Oklahoma, USA.
- 1986 Maîtrise de Lettres Modernes (Master of Arts), Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, France.
- 1982 Licence de Psychologie, Université Paris Descartes, France.
Academic responsibilities at HEC
- 2005- Associate Professor.
- 2002-2010 Associate Dean for the HEC MBA.
- 1996-2000 HEC Pedagogical Committee.
External academic responsibilities
- 1989-1993 Professeur certifié d''anglais Lycée J. Ferry à Versailles et Lycée C. Claudel à Palaiseau, HEC Paris.
HEC Paris by Valérie Gauthier
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