Vaughan Michell

Lecturer in Informatics at Henley Business School


  • Henley Business School




Henley Business School

Dr Vaughan Michell is an Informatics Lecturer and Business Technology Consulting Programme Director within the Informatics Research Centre at Henley Business School. He is also an honorary Senior Lecturer in Health Informatics in the Simulation Unit at the Royal Berkshire Hospital. Vaughan’s research focuses on the informatics of the business and technology interface at the design and operational level. He supervises PhD students in health informatics and related areas and has published papers in the areas of health informatics & semiotics, patient safety, clinical pathways, medical device capability and cognition. Research interests include: semiotics, affordance and human and machine capability, knowledge intensive processes and cognition, device design and invention and man-machine interaction_._

Vaughan has a BSc in mechanical engineering from UCL, an MBA from Warwick University and a D.Phil in Robotics Image Processing from Oxford University. Vaughan worked in process and systems design and change engineering at Vosper Thornycroft, Andersen Consulting, Dun and Bradstreet, Citibank, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan and UBS where he started research in knowledge intensive processes.

Programme Director for MSc Business Technology Consulting
Module convenor:
     • Business Architecture
     • Business technology Consulting
     • BTC Project
Other courses taught: MBA Strategic Information Management



Michell, V. (2015) Exploring invention capability. In: Fifth International Symposium on Business Modelling and Software Design, 6-8 July 2015, Milan, Italy.

V. Michell and E. Roubtsova. Modelling Capability and Affordance as Properties of Human/Machine Resource Systems. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, BMSD 2014, Luxembourg, 2014

Roubstova E. and Michell V. Behaviour Models Clarify Definitions of Affordance and Capability.  Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Behavioural Modelling: Foundations and Applications, 22nd July 2014, York England.

Nadrah N. Michell V. Workaround Motivation Model (WAMM): An Adaptation of the Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour, ICISO2014.

Lily Sun, Kecheng Liu, Dian Indrayani Jambaric & Vaughan Michell Evaluating business value of IT towards optimisation of the application portfolio. Journal of Enterprise Information Systems 11 Aug 2014

Michell V. Cognition capabilities and the capability-affordance model. Business Modelling and Software Design BMSD 13 Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands 8-10 July 2013

Michell, V. (2013) The capability affordance model: a method for analysis and modelling of capabilities and affordances. In: Business Modelling and Software Design, July 4-6, 2012, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 60-72.

Roubtsova E., Michell V. Modelling and Validation of KPIs, Business Modelling and Software Design BMSD 13 Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands 8-10 July 2013

Roubtsova E., Michell V., A Method for Modeling of KPIs Enabling Validation of Their Properties. BMFA '13 Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCHI Annual International Workshop on Behaviour Modelling - Foundations and Applications. ISBN: 978-1-4503-1989-8

Michell, V., Tehrani, G. and Liu, K. (2012) Are clinical documents optimised for patient safety? A critical analysis of patient safety outcomes using the EDA error model. Journal of Health Policy and Technology, 1 (4). pp. 214-227.

Gulliver, S., Joshi, U. and Michell, V. (2013) Adapted customer relationship management implementation framework:facilitating value creation in nursing homes. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. ISSN 1478-3371 doi: 10.1080/14783363.2013.776771

Khashab, B., Gulliver, S. and Michell, V. (2013) Towards developing a customer relationship management (CRM) strategy for supporting pre-implementation activities in business. In: 14th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisation (ICISO), 25 -27 Mar 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 175-184.

Nadhrah, N. and Michell, V. (2013) A normative method to analyse workarounds in a healthcare environment: motivations, consequences, and constraints. In: 14th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisation (ICISO), 25 -27 Mar 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 195-205.

 Michell, V, Tehrani,J, Liu K, (2012) Are clinical documents optimised for patient safety? A critical analysis of patient safety outcomes using the EDA error model, Journal of Health Policy and Technology, Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2012, Pages 214–227

Michell, V. 2012   Knowledge Intensive Processes Characteristics and Improvement: A Banking Best Practice Example. 24th International Conference on Advances Information Systems Engineering; Information Services  Gdansk, Poland.

Cameron S, Michell, V., Spence D. 2012 Calculating the Application Criticality and Business Risk from Technology Obsolescence. Springer 2012.

Tehrani, G., Liu, K. and Michell, V. (2012) Ontology modeling for generation of clinical pathways. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 5 (2). ISSN 2013-8423 doi: 10.3926/jiem.586

Tehrani J., Liu K., Michell V. (2012) Semiotics-Oriented Method for Generation of Clinical Pathways, The 2nd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS 2012), Beijing, China

Rosenorn-Lanng , D.J., Michell, V., The SHEEP Patient Safety Action-Environment Model.  International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, Paris April 2012

Michell V. 2012   Knowledge Intensive Processes Characteristics and Improvement: A Banking Best Practice Example. 24th International Conference on Advances Information Systems Engineering; Information Services Gdansk, Poland

Spence C., Michell, V., Spence D. 2012 Calculating the Application Criticality and Business Risk from Technology Obsolescence. Springer 2012

Michell, V. 2011 A focussed approach to business capability. First International Symposium on Business Modelling & Software Design. First International Symposium on Business Modelling and Software Design BMSD 2011 Bulgaria pp105-113.

Spence C & Michell, V. 2011 Assessing the Business Risk of Technology Obsolescence Through Enterprise Modelling.  First International Symposium on Business Modelling & Software Design. First International Symposium on Business Modelling and Software Design BMSD 2011 Bulgaria  pp61-70.

Chidzambwa, L. and V. Michell, Capturing Social Aspects of Home Telecare by Applying Semiotics, in ICICTH 2011. 2011, ACM: Samos, Greece. Proceedings for ICICTH 2011 ISBN 978-960-466-083-4, Pages 51-64

LIU, K., LILY, S., JAMBARI, D., MICHELL, V. & CHONG, S. (2011) A design of business-technology alignment consulting framework. Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Advanced information systems engineering. London, UK, Springer-Verlag.

Rosenorn-Lanng, D., Michell V.,  Fielden J. Yes, yes yes!  BMJ Rapid Response 14 May 2011

Michell V 2009. Applying process excellence to complex event driven knowledge processes in the front and middle offices'. In Process Excellence in Financial Services, IQPC Conference Sept/Oct 2009 London.

Currie, Wendy L., Vaughan Michell, and Oluwakemi Abanishe. "Knowledge process outsourcing in financial services:: The vendor perspective." European Management Journal 26.2 (2008): 94-104.

Michell, V. and Fitzgerald, G. 1997. The IT outsourcing market-place: vendors and their selection, Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 12, pp. 223-37.

Michell V., Currie W., Abenashi K., 2007. Knowledge process outsourcing in financial services: the vendor perspective. European Management Journal, emj 2007.11.002

Michell V. 2005 'Outsourcing where to next. Moderator's Address. In The Indian Outsourcing Advantage BPO Summit. 22nd September 2005. The IEE, Savoy Place London, UK

Michell V. 1992. Strategic scheduling design: A goal based macro to micro scheduling system. accepted for publication 2nd International Conference on Automation Technology 1992 Taipei Taiwan.

Michell V. 1992. A goal based finite scheduling decision support system. Journal of the British Production and Inventory Control Society, May/June.

Michell V. 1992 Strategic manufacture through client-server architecture. 2nd International Conference on Automation Technology 1992 Taipei Taiwan.

Michell V. 1991 The application of advanced factory control and management design techniques to aerospace composite manufacture. In 6th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future. 19-22nd August 1991 London

Michell V. 1991 An integrated event controlled design approach to production. In European Engineering Research and Technology Transfer Conference. 1991 Birmingham.

Keynote Speeches:

Michell V. 2008 Process excellence in a challenging environment: Keynote Speaker. In Process Excellence in Financial Services, IQPC Conference. Sept/Oct 2008. London

Michell V, Currie W. 2007 IT compliance in financial services. In Leading the IT Function British Computer Society Conference 17 May 2007. London.


Michell, V., Gulliver S., Rosenorn-Lanng D, Currie W. Patient Safety and Quality Care Through Health Informatics. IGI 2014

Michell V. and Fitzgerald G 1996 IT outsourcing: vendors and their selection. In IS outsourcing - theory and practice” 1996.

Michell V. 1994. IT outsourcing the changing outlook. International Data Corporation (IDC) London


Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust

Chartered Engineer and member of IMechE and RINA

PhD: Cameron Spence, Nada Nadrah, Oghale Askia,  2nd Jasmine Terhani, Chidzambwa, L.

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