Venugopal Soma

Professor at University of Hyderabad



Educational Qualifications :

M. Sc (Physics, specialization in Advanced Electronics) 1992-1994, University of Hyderabad.

Ph D 1994-2000 University of Hyderabad, with Prof. D. Narayana Rao, School of Physics.

Thesis: Studies of excited state dynamics, third-order nonlinearity, and nonlinear absorption in C60, Porphyrins, and Phthalocyanines using Incoherent Laser Spectroscopy.

Research Experience after PhD

Professor , Advanced Centre for Research on High Energy Materials (ACRHEM), University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad (June 2013- Present)

Associate Professor , Advanced Centre for Research on High Energy Materials (ACRHEM), University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad (June 2010- May 2013)

Reader, Advanced Centre for Research on High Energy Materials (ACRHEM), University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad (June 2007- May 2010)

Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, India (December 2004 – May 2007)

Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore (July 2003 – December 2004)

Research Assistant, University of St. Andrews, UK (August 2000 – June 2003)

Research Student, University of Hyderabad, India (August 1994 – April 2000)

Research Interests:

  • High Energy Materials and their interaction with ultrashort pulses
  • Terahertz radiation generation, detection, and applications in explosives identification
  • Nanophotonics, Polymer Integrated Optics
  • Laser Direct Writing, Two-photon Polymerization, Laser Interference Lithography, and Nanoimprinting.
  • Micro-/Nano-machining of Waveguides, Y-branches, Bragg gratings, and Filters in polymers, crystals, and silicon using high energy (MeV) proton beam
  • Semiconductor Nonlinear Optics: Optical frequency conversion techniques [Second Harmonic Generation, Sum Frequency Generation, Difference Frequency Generation]
  • Optical Parametric Oscillators/Amplifiers in the near- and mid-infrared spectral region
  • Construction and characterization of femtosecond/picosecond Ti:sapphire lasers
  • Propagation Loss measurements in waveguides using scattering and cw Fabry-Perot techniques
  • Organic Nonlinear Optics: Optical limiting, 3rd order and 2nd order nonlinearities, Degenerate Four Wave Mixing, Z-scan, SHG, and Electric Field Induced SHG

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