Veronica Burke
Director of the Business Growth Programme and the Cranfield General Management Programme; Co-Director of the Cranfield Talent Development Programme. at Cranfield School of Management
- Cranfield School of Management
Cranfield School of Management
Veronica has a strong teaching and consulting background and has held senior Faculty roles in several UK Higher Education Institutions. Prior to joining Cranfield, she was a member of Faculty at Ashridge Business School where she contributed to a range of open and tailored executive education programmes in leadership, change management and organisational development utilising indoor and outdoor environments.
Current activities
Veronica is Director of the Business Growth Programme and the Cranfield General Management Programme; Co-Director of the Cranfield Talent Development Programme.
Veronica has worked for several years in executive development. Her research and publications focus around leadership, conflict management, learning transfer and peak performance. She works internationally as an organisational development consultant and executive coach and has a special interest in the development of high potential managers. Her areas of specialism include:
- Leadership development
- Change management
- The corporate athlete
- Performance psychology
- Emotional intelligence
- Conflict management
- Outdoor management development
She has worked with clients from a range of sectors including financial services, technology, construction, hospitality and the public sector. Specific clients include the BBC, BP, the Home Office and International Nuclear Services.
- Articles in journals
- Conference papers
- Books
Articles In Journals
- Collins D, Burke V, Martindale A & Cruickshank A (2015) The Illusion of Competency Versus the Desirability of Expertise: Seeking a Common Standard for Support Professionals in Sport., Sports Medicine, 45 (1) 1-7.
- Burke V (2014) Managing conflict at work, Management Focus, Autumn (37) 10-11.
- Burke V. (2014) When is conflict at work a good thing?, Developing Leaders.
- Burke V (2012) The 2012 Olympic leadership agenda, Think Cranfield (August).
- Burke V (2010) Goal setting lessons from elite sports, Think Cranfield (November).
- Burke V (2010) Performing under pressure, Management focus (29) 24-25.
- Burke V (2009) Performing under pressure - lessons from elite sport, Think Cranfield (September).
- Burke V & Collins D (2005) Optimising the effects of leadership development programmes: a framework for analysing the learning and transfer of leadership skills, Management Decision, 43 (7-8) 975-987.
- Burke V, Jones I & Doherty M (2005) Analysing student perceptions of transferable skills via degree programmes, Active Learning in Higher Education, 6 (2) 132-144.
- Burke V & Collins D (2004) Optimising skills transfer via outdoor management development: Part 1 the provider''s perspective, Journal of Management Development, 23 (7) 678-696.
- Burke V & Collins D (2004) Optimising Skills Transfer via outdoor management development: Part II the client''s perspective, Journal of Management Development, 23 (8) 715-728.
- Burke V & Collins D (2000) Dealing with work conflict: Issues, approaches and implications for sport managers, European Journal for Sport Management, 7 (2) 44-64.
- Burke V & Collins D (1998) The great outdoors and management development: A framework for analysing the learning and transfer of management skills, Managing Leisure, 3 (3) 136-148.
- Doherty M & Burke V (1997) Fitness testing: the essentials, Sports Management, Summer 21-22.
- Burke V (1993) Sporting Bodies - Images of the female athlete, International Journal of Leisure in Society, 11 (2/3) 45-69.
Conference Papers
- Burke V (2005) Utilising outdoor learning to develop aspects of social identification: a case study. In: Teaching and Learning Conference, Luton, 17 June 2005.
- Burke V (2005) The effects of an outdoor experiential programme on social identification. In: 13th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management/75th Conference of the Institute of Sport and Recreation Management, Newcastle, 7 September 2005.
- Burke V (2004) Student Engagement, Identification and Development - Analysing Student Perceptions of Experiential Learning Interventions. In: Teaching and Learning Conference, Luton, 17 July 2004.
- Burke V (2002) Experiential Learning and Skills Development - Issues, Themes and Implications for Practice. In: Teaching and Learning Conference, Luton, 1 July 2002.
- Burke V (2001) Using the Outdoors to Promote the Learning of Managerial Skills: Analysing the Process of Learning Transfer. In: Leisure Studies Association National Conference, Luton, 1 July 2001.
- Burke V (2000) Analysing student''s perceptions of transferable skills via undergraduate degree programmes. In: Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Luton.
- Burke V (1999) Dealing with work conflict: Issues, approaches and implications for sport management. In: 7th European Congress for Sport Management, University of Thessaloniki, 1 September 1999.
- Burke V (1998) Managing change and changing managers: using the outdoors to improve the quality of sport management. In: 6th European Congress for Sport Management, Madeira, 1 October 1998.
- Burke V & Collins D (1996) Physical challenge and the development of conflict management skills. In: 1996 workshop of the British Psychological Society, Sport and Exercise Psychology Section: how teams work in sport and exercise psychology, Brighton, 1 April 1996.
- Burke V (1996) Physical challenge and the development of competent conflict managers in sport and leisure organisations. In: 4th European Congress / 1st International Sport Management Alliance Conference, Montpellier, 1 October 1996.
- Burke V (1995) Conflict in Sport. In: International Conference on Philosophical Issues in Sport and Physical Education, Cardiff, 31 May 1995.
- Burke V (1995) The contemporary sporting woman - Issues and developments. In: National Conference on Contemporary Women''s History, Luton, 1 February 1995.
- Burke V & Collins D (1995) Physical challenge and the development of conflict management skills. In: 1995 workshop of the British Psychological Society, Sport and Exercise Psychology Section: exercise addiction: motivation for participation in sport and exercise, Coventry, 1 January 1995.
- Burke V (1994) Learning by design - The case for leisure studies. Keynote Speech. In: Leisure Studies Association National Conference, Glasgow, 31 May 1994.
- Burke V (1992) Sporting bodies - Images of the female athlete. In: International Anthroplogical Conference, University of Amsterdam, 1 May 1992.
- Burke V (2011) Organizing for excellence. In: Performance psychology: A practitioners Guide. Collins D, Button A, Richards H (ed.), London: Elsevier, p. 99-119.
- Burke V, Collins D & Earle M (2002) Using the outdoors to promote the learning of managerial skills: Analysing the process of learning transfer. In: Partnerships in Leisure Sport Tourism and Management. Berridge G, McFee G (ed.), Brighton: Leisure Studies Association, p. 137-160.
- Burke V & Collins D (2000) Outdoor management development: A new framework for analysing learning outcomes. In: The current state of Business Disciplines. Dahiya SB (ed.), Spellbound publications Ltd, p. 2459-2474.
- Burke V & Collins D (2000) Dealing with work conflict: The manager''s challenge. In: The current state of Business Disciplines. Dahiya SB (ed.), Spellbound Publications, p. 2235-2250.
- Burke V (1995) Learning by design - the case for leisure studies. In: Tourism and Leisure - Perspectives on Provision.. Leslie D (ed.), Brighton: Leisure Studies Association, p. 87-107.
Performance Goals in Business and Sport
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