Associate Professor at Antai College of Economics & Management


  • Antai College of Economics & Management



Antai College of Economics & Management

Research and Teaching Interests

Econometrics theory, Spatial econometrics model, Regional and urban economics, Social network and peer effects

Working Experience

Tenured Associate Professor, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, August 2019 - Present,

Non-tenured Associate Professor, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, August 2015 - July 2019,

Assistant Professor, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, August 2013 - July 2015.


  • Ph.D. Economics, The Ohio State University, May 2013
  • M.A., Economics, Peking University, July 2008
  • B.S., Statistics, Peking University, July 2006
  • B.A., Economics, Peking University, July 2006

Honors and Awards

Cem Ertur Prize, Spatial Econometrics Workshop, France, 2018

Outstanding Head Teacher, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2017

SMC Excellent Young Teacher, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2014

Dice Research Award, Department of Economics, The Ohio State University, 2012

G.S. Maddala Prize in Econometrics, Department of Economics, The Ohio State University, 2011

Excellent Graduate, Peking University, 2006

Research and Teaching Interests

Econometrics theory, Spatial econometrics model, Regional and urban economics, Social network and peer effects


  1. Estimating the spatial econometric model of complex FDI: a study on the influencing factors of the third-party country (with Liangjun Su), The Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics (Chinese), Issue 2 (2009), 88-101.

  2. Xi Qu* and Lung-fei Lee,LM tests for spatial correlation in spatial models with limited dependent variables, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42 (May 2012), 430-445.

  3. Xi Qu and Rober de Jong*, Sums of exponentials of random walks with drift, Econometric Theory, 28 (August 2012), 915-924.

  4. Xi Qu* and Lung-fei Lee, Locally most powerful tests for spatial interactions in the simultaneous SAR Tobit model, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 43 (March 2013), 307-321.

  5. Xi Qu* and Lung-fei Lee, Estimating a spatial autoregressive model with an endogenous spatial weight matrix, Journal of Econometrics, 184 (2015), 209-232.(Web of Science High Citation Paper in 2016 and 2017)

  6. Xi Qu*, Xiaoliang Wang, and Lung-fei Lee, Instrumental variable estimation of a spatial dynamic panel data model with endogenous spatial weight matrices when T is small, Econometrics Journal, 19 (2016), 261-290.

  7. Liangjun Su and Xi Qu, Specification test for spatial autoregressive models, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 35:4 (2017), 572-584.

  8. Xi Qu*, Lung-fei Lee, and Jihai Yu, QML Estimation of spatial dynamic panel data models with endogenous time varying spatial weights matrices, Journal of Econometrics, 197 (2017), 173-201.

  9. Chao Yang, Lung-fei Lee, and Xi Qu*, Tobit Models with Social Interactions: Complete vs Incomplete Information, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 73 (2018), 30-50.

  10. Juncong Guo* and Xi Qu, Spatial interactive effects on housing prices in Shanghai and Beijing, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 76 (2019), 147-160. (with my Phd student)

  11. Chuanmin Zhao, Xi Qu*, and Shougui Luo, Impact of the InnoCom Program on Corporate Innovation Performance in China: Evidence from Shanghai, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 146 (2019), 103-118. (with my Phd student Chuanmin Zhao)

  12. Yufei Liu, Xi Qu*, Wei Wang, Xiaokun Chang, Does Population Aging Hinder the Accumulation of Human Capital? Evidence from China , Frontiers of Economics in China. 2020, 15 (2): 257-281.

  13. Xi Qu, Lung-fei Lee, Chao Yang*, Estimating a SAR model with spatial weights constructed by endogenous bilateral variables, Journal of Econometrics, 221 (2021), 180-197.

  14. Juncong Guo, Xi Qu*, Fixed effects spatial panel data model with time varying spatial dependence, Economics Letters, 2020, 109531. (with my Phd student)

  15. Chuanmin Zhao, Juncong Guo, Xi Qu*, Stock Market Reaction to Corporate Philanthropic Response and Silence: Does Charity Style Matter? Applied Economics Letters, 2021, 28:16, 1344-1350. (with my Phd stduents)

  16. Chuanmin Zhao, Xi Qu*, Peer effects in pension decision-making: evidence from China’s new rural pension scheme (with my Phd student), Labour Economics, 69 (2021), 101978.

  17. Arthur Lewbel, Samuel Norris, Krishna Pendakur, Xi Qu, Consumption Peer Effects and Utility Needs in India, Quantitative Economics, 13 (2022), 1257-1295.

  18. Chuanmin Zhao, Xi Qu*, Social networks and internal migration in China: a spatial autoregressive model (with my Phd student), Review of Development Economics, 2022, 26(2): 1132-1163.

  19. Chuanmin Zhao, Xi Qu*, Social interaction and peasant financial decisions: Evidence from the new rural pension insurance, Studies in Labor Economics (Chinese), 2021, 9(5), 51-77.

  20. Juncong Guo, Xi Qu*, Competition in household human capital investments: strength, motivations and consequences (with my Phd student), Journal of Development Economics, 158 (2022), 102937.

  21. Arthur Lewbel, Xi Qu*, and Xun Tang, Social Networks with Unobserved Links, forthcoming in Journal of Political Economy.

  22. Abhimanyu Gupta*, Xi Qu, Consistent specification testing under spatial dependence, forthcoming in Econometric Theory.

  23. Xi Qu, Zhiwei Xu, Jinxiang Yu, and Jun Zhu. Understanding local government debt in China: A regional competition perspective, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2023, 98: 103859.

Working Papers

  1. Place-Based Policies, Rural Employment, and Intra-household Resources Allocation: Evidence from China's Economic Zones (with Chuanmin Zhao).

  2. The Duality in Diversification: The Internal and External Configurations of Diversification and Their Performance Impacts (with Xiao Li and Aurora Liu).

  3. Spatial dynamic panel data models with high order time varying endogenous weights matrices (with Jiajun Zhang and Jinxiang Yu).

  4. Simmelian Forbearance in Multimarket Rivalry (with Xiao Li and Aurora Liu).

  5. 2SLS Estimation of Social Networks with Missing Links (with Arthur Lewbel and Xun Tang).


PI, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 72222007, 2023/01-2025/12

Co-PI, General Research Fund of Hong Kong, 11505420, 2020/21

PI, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 71973097, 2020/01-2023/12

PI, National Natural Science Foundation for the Youth of China, 71601115, 2017/01-2019/12

PI, Shanghai Chenguang Program Research Grant, 15CG09, 2016/01-2018/01

PI, Shanghai Pujiang Program Research Grant, 14PJC065, 2014/07-2016/06

PI, University Social Science Grant, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2013

Participant, Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 72031006, 2021/01-2025/12


Advanced Econometrics I (Ph.D.)

Advanced Econometrics III (Ph.D.)

Econometrics (Undergraduate, full English teaching)

Statistics (Undergraduate, full English teaching)

Applied Statistics (Master of International Business)

Data, Model, and Decision (MBA)

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