Yan Yan

Associate Professor in the Department of General Management at Renmin Business School


  • Renmin Business School



Renmin Business School


  • University of Groningen (The Netherlands) Sep. 2015 – Sep. 2018
    Ph.D, Coopetition Strategy & Innovation Management
  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Sep. 2014 – Jun. 2018
    Ph.D, Innovation Management
  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Sep. 2012 – Jun. 2014
    Master, Innovation Management
  • Renmin University of China (China) Aug. 2004 – Jun. 2008
    Bachelor, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Working Experiences

  • School of Business, Renmin University of China Sep. 2018 –Now
    Tenure Track Assistant Professor (Distinguished Young Scholar)

Research Interests

Innovation network; Coopetition strategy.

Selected Academic Articles:

  1. Yan, Y., Zhang, J., Guan, J.C.*, 2020. Network embeddedness and innovation: evidence from the alternative energy field. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 67(3), 769-782.
  2. Yan, Y., Tian, S., & Zhang, J. 2020. The impact of a paper’s new combinations and new components on its citation. Scientometrics, 122(2), 895-913.
  3. Yan, Y, Guan, J.C.*, 2019. Entrepreneurial ecosystem and entrepreneurship performance: the moderating role of internet attention. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 15, 625–650.
  4. Zhang, J., Yan, Y., Guan, J.C.*, 2019. Recombinant distance, network governance and recombinant innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 143, 260- 272.
  5. Yan, Y, Guan, J.C.*, 2018. Social capital, exploitative and exploratory innovations: the mediating roles of ego-network dynamics. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 126, 244-258.
  6. Yan, Y, Guan, J.C.*, 2018. How multiple networks help in creating knowledge: evidence from alternative energy patents? Scientometrics, 115(1), 51–77.
  7. Yan, Y., Dong, J.Q.*, 2018. Toward a Network Perspective on Coopetition: External Coopetition Networks, Internal Network Structures, and Knowledge Recombinant Capabilities. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 78(1)
  8. Guan, J.C.*, Yan, Y, Zhang, J.J., 2017, The Impact of Collaboration and Knowledge Networks on Citations. Journal of Informetrics, 11(2), 407-422.
  9. Yan, Y, Guan, J.C.*, Zhang, J.J., 2017. The dynamics of technological partners: a social network perspective. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, doi: 10.1080/09537325.2017.1321110.
  10. Guan, J.C.*, Yan, Y., 2016. Technological proximity and recombinative innovation in the alternative energy field. Research Policy, 45(7), 1460–1473.
  11. Guan, J.C.*, Zhang, J.J., Yan, Y., 2016. A dynamic perspective on diversities and network change: partner entry, exit and persistence. International Journal of Technology Management, 74(1), 221-242.
  12. Guan, J.C.*, Zhang, J.J., Yan, Y., 2015. The impact of multilevel networks on innovation. Research Policy, 44(3), 545-559.
  13. Guan, J.C.*, Yan, Y, Zhang, J.J., 2015. How do collaborative features affect scientific output? Evidences from wind power field, Scientometrics, 102(1), 333-355.
  14. Zhang, J.J., Yan, Y., Guan, J.C.*, 2015.Scientific relatedness in solar energy: a comparative study between the USA and China, Scientometrics, 102(2), 1595-1613.
  15. Lv, X.*, Yan, Y., Yu, A., Zhang, J.J., 2010. Ordering trees with given pendent vertices with respect to Merrifield-Simmons indices and Hosoya indices. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 47(1), 11-20.

Selected Presentations at Academic Meetings:

  • 2020 Academy of Management (Online)
  • 2019 Academy of Management (Boston)
  • 2018 Academy of Management (Chicago)
  • 2018 Strategic Management Society Conference (Oslo)
  • 2017 Academy of Management (Atlanta)
  • 2016 Academy of Management (Anaheim)

Services & Awards

  1. 2019 Best Doctoral Dissertation Award (Chinese Society of Technology Economics)
  2. 2018 Distinguished Young Scholar (Renmin University of China)
  3. 2018 Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
  4. 2018 Strategy Management Society Best Paper Nomination
  5. 2017 UCAS Dean Award (UCAS)
  6. 2017 UCAS Pacemaker to Merit PhD Student
  7. 2016 National Award for PhD researcher (China)
  8. 2016 Cheng Siwei Research Award (UCAS)
  9. 2014 Paul Research Award (UCAS)

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