Found 146 experts

Jane Wei-Skillern

Haas School of Business

Senior Fellow at Haas School of Business

Elizabeth Suhay

American University School of Public Affairs

Associate Professor at American University School of Public Affairs

Shiva Sivaramakrishnan

Jones Graduate School of Business

Henry Gardiner Symonds Professor of Accounting at Jones Graduate School of Business

Shannon Hessel

CBS Executive

External Lecturer at CBS Executive

Candace Yano

Haas School of Business

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Chair of the Faculty at Haas School of Business

Norman Chervany

Carlson School of Management

Professor Emeritus at Carlson School of Management

Camille Busette

Brookings Institution

Senior Fellow - Economic Studies, Governance Studies, Metropolitan Policy Program. Director - Race, Prosperity, and Inclusion Initiative at Brookings Institution

Robert Strauss

Heinz College