Found 194 experts

Anthony Boardman

Sauder School of Business

Van Dusen Professor of Business Administration Professor at Sauder School of Business

Dennis Romano

Syracuse University

Professor Emeritus, History at Syracuse University

Todd Stonitsch

Darla Moore School of Business

Scott Carson

Smith School of Business

Professor Emeritus at Smith School of Business

Allan Afuah

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Professor of Strategy at Stephen M. Ross School of Business

David Wooten

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Professor of Marketing at Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Todd Jick

Columbia Business School

Senior Lecturer in Discipline in Business at Columbia Business School

Jay Lorsch

Harvard Business School

Louis E. Kirstein Professor of Human Relations at Harvard Business School

Ming Hsu

Haas School of Business

William Halford Jr. Family Chair in Marketing / Associate Professor of Business Administration at Haas School of Business

David Grazian

Annenberg School for Communication

Faculty director of Urban Studies at Annenberg School for Communication