Found 661 experts

Trish Babb

Boston University

Lecturer in Marketing at Boston University

Sarah Jack

Stockholm School of Economics

Ben Glocker

Imperial College London

Professor in Machine Learning for Imaging at Imperial College London

Samuel Clemens

Harvard Business School

Lecturer in the Entrepreneurial Management Unit at Harvard Business School

Samuel Roscoe


Professor in Supply Chain and Operations Management/Senior Lecturer in Operations Management at University of Sussex at -

Ricardo Engelbert

IESE Business School

Lecturer of Operations, Information and Technology at IESE Business School

Taly Reich

Yale School of Management

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Yale School of Management

Nicholas Lurie

UCONN - University of Connecticut

Professor at UCONN - University of Connecticut

Robert Frank

Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Professor, Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Management at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Jared Finnegan

UCL School of Management

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Public Policy at UCL School of Management