Found 999+ experts

Peter Li


Visiting Professor at ESMT

Peter Dacin

Smith School of Business

Professor at Smith School of Business

Peter Skærbæk

CBS Executive

Professor, Ph.d, Cand.merc at CBS Executive

Peter Fallesen

CBS Executive

, at CBS Executive

Peter Wynne

CBS Executive

PhD fellow, Industrial PhD fellow at CBS Executive

Peter Vanneck

Antwerp Management School

Executive Professor at Antwerp Management School

Peter Bogetoft

CBS Executive

Professor, Dr. merc at CBS Executive

Peter Lotz

CBS Executive

Associate Professor,cand.polit, Ph.d. / Associated Dean Of The Hd Program at CBS Executive

Peter Romero

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

People Analytics Lead at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Peter Bishop

DeGroote School of Business

Founder and Executive Director of Teach the Future at DeGroote School of Business