Found 217 experts

Harri Lähdesmäki

Aalto University School of Business

Academy Research Fellow at Aalto University School of Business

Jagdip Singh

Weatherhead School of Management

Professor at Weatherhead School of Management

Hayne Leland

Haas School of Business

Professor of the Graduate School at Haas School of Business

Harri Ehtamo

Aalto University School of Business

Professor, Systems analysis - optimization theory with applications in engineering and economics at Aalto University School of Business

Terrence Hendershott

Haas School of Business

Cheryl and Christian Valentine Chair at Haas School of Business

Daniel Malan

University of Stellenbosch Business School

Trinity College Dublin

Assistant Professor in Business Ethics at Trinity College Dublin

Edward Freeman

Temasek Management Services

Darden School of Business

Elis and Signe Olsson Professor of Business Administration; at Darden School of Business

Andrew Postlewaite

The Wharton School

Harry P. Kamen Professor at The Wharton School

R. Edward Freeman

Darden School of Business

University Professor; Elis and Signe Olsson Professor of Business Administration; at Darden School of Business