Found 606 experts

Mary Johnstone-Louis

Said Business School

Senior Research Fellow and Programme Director at Said Business School

Marie Nioche

Sciences Po

Associate Professor - International Commercial Arbitration at Sciences Po

Markus Vodosek

Kelley School of Business

Mary Anne Werner

USC Marshall School of Business

Assistant Professor of Clinical Accounting at USC Marshall School of Business

David Walker

McDonough School of Business

Boston University

John A Largay Professor at McDonough School of Business

Maurice Poch Faculty Research Scholar, Professor of Law at Boston University

Douglas Krakower

Harvard Medical School

Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians at Harvard Medical School

Jason Saul

Kellogg School of Management

Wai Kee Thomas YUEN

Assistant Professor at Department of Economics and Finance, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Lisa Liu

Columbia Business School

Assistant Professor of Business, Accounting Division at Columbia Business School

Rick Mergenthaler

Eller Executive Education

Associate Professor of Accounting at Eller Executive Education