Found 651 experts

Allen Huang

HKUST Business School

Associate Professor at HKUST Business School

Michah Rothbart

Syracuse University

Assistant Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs at Syracuse University

Dongyuan Zhan

UCL School of Management

Lecturer (assistant professor) at UCL School of Management

Eben Rosenthal

Harvard Medical School

Professor of Otolaryngology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center / Faculty at Harvard Medical School

Richard Sloan

Haas School of Business

Professor at Haas School of Business

Pj Lamberson

Fundação Dom Cabral


Associate Professor at University of California, Los Angeles at -

Joshua Reed

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Associate Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences at Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Matthew Notowidigdo

Booth School of Business

PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS at Booth School of Business

Richard Sloan

USC Marshall School of Business

Professor of Accounting at USC Marshall School of Business

Caitlin Karver

DePaul University

Associate Professsor of Chemistry at DePaul University