Found 999+ experts

Michael van Everdingen

Rotterdam School of Management

Managing Partner at Rotterdam School of Management

Christian Van Delft

HEC Paris

Associate Professor Informations Systems and Operations Management at HEC Paris

Laure Van Hauwaert

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Managing Director at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Nicolas van Zeebroeck

Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

Professor of Digital Economics & Strategy at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

Johan van Zyl

GIBS Business School

Chief Executive Officer, Europe Region at GIBS Business School

Geert Van Hootegem

Antwerp Management School

Cathelijn van Leeuwen

Antwerp Management School

Mark van Twist

Hertie School of Governance

Adjunct at Hertie School of Governance

Donna van Bueren

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Alex Van Breedam

Antwerp Management School

Faculty Global Supply Chain Management at Antwerp Management School