Found 961 experts

Bernd Scherer

EDHEC Business School

Research Associate at EDHEC Business School

Danilo Mandic

Imperial College London

Professor of Signal Processing at Imperial College London

Katharina Hombach


Professor of Financial Accounting and Corporate Governance at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. Main at -

Eva Stumpfegger

Munich Business School

Professor for Finance at Munich Business School

Yasel Costa

MIT CTL: MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics

Professor at MIT CTL: MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics

Galip Dalay

Brookings Institution

Nonresident Fellow - Brookings Doha Center, Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow, Robert Bosch Academy at Brookings Institution

Tobias Trütsch

University of St. Gallen

Managing Director and Head of the Center for Financial Services Innovation at University of St. Gallen

Human Nagafi

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Lecture Executive Education | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Saskia Bostelmann

IE Business School

Adjunct Professor at IE Business School