Found 730 experts

Marta Gamito


Associate Professor of IT Law at -

Lisa Pearo

Harvard University

Senior Associate Dean of Faculty / Academic Affairs, Division of Continuing Education at Harvard University

Thorsten Busch

TUM School of Management

Teacher at TUM School of Management

Melissa Meade

Villanova University

Visiting Assistant Professor at Villanova University

Sanjay Divakaran

Harvard Medical School

Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School

Josephine Wolff

Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

Associate Professor of Cyber Security and Policy at Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

Diego Arce Jofre


LLM Professor at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja at -

Alexei Gloukhovtsev

Aalto University School of Business

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Aalto University School of Business

Jeff Medeiros

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Co-Founder, Partner KEASTONE / Adjunct Professor at Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Edouard Pignot

EMLV Business School Paris

Assistant Professor at EMLV Business School Paris