Found 999+ experts

Mary Gillett

Ivey Business School

Lecturer, Managerial Accounting and Control at Ivey Business School

Mary Crossan

Ivey Business School

Professor, General Management & Strategy at Ivey Business School

Mary Teagarden

Thunderbird School of Global Management

Associate Dean of Faculty / Administration / Professor of Global Strategy at Thunderbird School of Global Management

Mary Farmer

The University of Auckland Business School

Financial training specialist | Course design and development | Excel modelling | Banking | Business schools at The University of Auckland Business School

Mary Campbell

The Institute of Directors

Frank Yu


Associate Professor of Finance, CEIBS at CEIBS

Frank Tuzzolino

Thunderbird School of Global Management

Associate Professor of Finance Emeritus at Thunderbird School of Global Management

Frank Demmler

Tepper School of Business

Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship at Tepper School of Business

Frank Limbrock

Kellogg School of Management

Research Assistant Professor of Strategy at Kellogg School of Management