Found 999+ experts

Pei Cher


Assistant Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School at -

Rafe Steinhauer

Assistant Professor of Engineering

Charles Nathanson

Kellogg School of Management

Associate Professor of Finance at Kellogg School of Management

Benjamin Aranda

Assistant Professor at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

Brian Kim

Harvard Medical School

Sol and Clara Kest Professor at Icahn Medical Institute / Faculty at Harvard Medical School

Alec Fraser

King’s Business School

Lecturer in Government & Business at King’s Business School

Shanker Krishnan

Kelley School of Business

Professor of MarketingFettig/Whirlpool Faculty Fellow at Kelley School of Business

Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi

Kellogg School of Management

Professor of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences at Kellogg School of Management

Neil Mehta

Harvard Medical School

Associate Dean, Curricular Affairs at Harvard Medical School

Davidson Hamer

Boston University

Professor of Global Health at Boston University