Found 662 experts

Jason Abrevaya

Professor, Department of Economics at The University of Texas at Austin

Srinivas K. Reddy

Singapore Management University

Professor of Marketing at Singapore Management University

William Duggan

Columbia Business School

Senior Lecturer in Business at Columbia Business School

Jan Mahrt Smith

Rotman School of Management

Associate Professor of Finance Academic Director, Full Time MBA Program at Rotman School of Management

Mark Milstein

Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University


Clinical Professor / Director, Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Stephen Spiller

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Associate Professor of Marketing and Behavioral Decision Making at Anderson School of Management

Scott Bauguess

McCombs School of Business

Clinical Associate Professor of Finance at McCombs School of Business

Eric Orts

The Wharton School

Guardsmark Professor at The Wharton School

Avi Carmeli

Coller School of Management

Professor of Strategy and Management at Coller School of Management

Ed Batista

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Lecturer in Management at Stanford Graduate School of Business