Found 999+ experts

David Wood

Ivey Business School

Lecturer, Operations Management at Ivey Business School

Claus Rerup

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Professor of Management at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

George Abe

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Adjunct Assistant Professor at Anderson School of Management

Reza Ahmadi

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Professor of Decisions, Operations, and Technology Management at Anderson School of Management

Felipe Caro

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Professor of Decisions, Operations and Technology Management at Anderson School of Management

Christian Dippel

Ivey Business School

Associate Professor, Business, Economics and Public Policy at Ivey Business School

Sebastian Edwards

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Professor of Global Economics and Management at Anderson School of Management

Ian Larkin

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Assistant Professor of Strategy at Anderson School of Management

John Mamer

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Lori Santikian

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Associate Adjunct Professor in the Finance and Strategy at Anderson School of Management