Found 999+ experts

Youngme Moon

Harvard Business School

Donald K. David Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Kevin Schulman

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Professor of Medicine and Professor of Economics at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Christina Wing

Harvard Business School

Senior Lecturer of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Albert Bemmaor


Professor, Marketing Department at ESSEC

André Fourçans


Distinguished Professor, Economics Department at ESSEC

Geneviève Helleringer


Professor, Public and Private Policy Department at ESSEC

Ashok Som


Professor, Management Department at ESSEC

Michael Cusumano

Harvard Business School

Sloan School of Management

Professor of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management and Engineering Systems at Sloan School of Management

Joseph Farrell

Haas School of Business

Affiliated Professor at Haas School of Business

Sean Foote

Haas School of Business

Managing Director at Haas School of Business