Found 999+ experts

Kevin W. Gray

Fordham University

Adjunct Faculty at Fordham University

Gordon Kevin Spellman

IE Business School

Adjunct Professor, Finance at IE Business School

Kevin Lane Keller

Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

E.B. Osborn Professor of Marketing at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Kevin A Oro Hahn

Columbia Business School

Adjunct Assistant Professor at Columbia Business School

Kevin W. H. Tai

Assistant Professor of English Language Education, Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong

TAN Shyong Wei, Kevin

National University of Singapore

Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at National University of Singapore

Yasemin Kor

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Beckwith Professor of Management Studies at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

David Asch

The Wharton School

Professor of Medicine, Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Professor of Health Care Management, Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions at The Wharton School

Linda Thorne

Schulich School of Business

Professor of Accounting at Schulich School of Business