Found 643 experts

David Ridley

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

Fuqua School of Business

Professor of the Practice and Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Riddick, Jr. Research Fellow at Fuqua School of Business

Enrique Arzac

Columbia Business School

Professor Emeritus at Columbia Business School

Peter Dacin

Smith School of Business

Professor at Smith School of Business

Harris Sondak

David Eccles School of Business

Professor, Management Department at David Eccles School of Business

Hiram Samel

Sloan School of Management

Senior Lecturer in Global Economics and Management at Sloan School of Management

Associate Professor of International Business at Said Business School

Margarida Soares

Assistant Professor of Finance at Nova School of Business and Economics

Juliet Gainsborough

Bentley University

Professor of political science at Bentley University

Mary Jo Bane

Harvard Kennedy School

Thornton Bradshaw Professor of Public Policy and Management, Emerita at Harvard Kennedy School

Sarah Potvin

Texas A&M University

Associate Professor (Digital Scholarship Librarian, Office of Scholarly Communication) at Texas A&M University