Found 999+ experts

Elisa B Schweiger

King’s Business School

Lecturer of Marketing Analytics at King’s Business School

Jacquelyn Gillette

Sloan School of Management

Assistant Professor of Accounting at Sloan School of Management

Brian White

McCombs School of Business

Associate Professor Of Accounting at McCombs School of Business

Adam Duhachek

Kelley School of Business

Professor of MarketingNestlé-Hustad Professor of Marketing at Kelley School of Business

Elizabeth Demers

Professor, Financial Accounting, Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor at University of Waterloo - School of Accounting and Finance

Atle Midttun

BI Norwegian Business School

Professor - Department of Law and Governance at BI Norwegian Business School

Hannu Huttunen

Aalto University School of Business

Lin Cheng

Eller Executive Education

Assistant Professor of Accounting at Eller Executive Education

Noel Tichy

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Professor of Management and Organizations at Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Donatella De Paoli

BI Norwegian Business School

Associate Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at BI Norwegian Business School