Found 999+ experts

Raymond Miles

Haas School of Business

Professor Emeritus and Former Dean at Haas School of Business

Raymond Horton

Columbia Business School

Frank R. Lautenberg Professor of Ethics and Corporate Governance at Columbia Business School

Marc Weinberger

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Professor Emeritus Marketing at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Ann-Marie Parkes

Assistant Professor at New York Institute of Technology

Christopher Jencks

Harvard Kennedy School

Malcolm Wiener Professor of Social Policy, Emeritus at Harvard Kennedy School

Carlos Hussey

IE Business School

Associate Professor Of Marketing at IE Business School

Denisa Reshef Kera

Lecturer in Distributed Ledger Technologies at University of Malta

James Hunt

Babson Olin Graduate School of Business

Associate Professor at Babson Olin Graduate School of Business

Rencheng Wang

Singapore Management University

Associate Professor at Singapore Management University