Found 999+ experts

Rita Mota

Said Business School

Intesa Sanpaolo Research Fellow at the Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation at Said Business School

Karen Clay

Heinz College

Tepper School of Business

Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Heinz College, and by Courtesy, Tepper School of Business at Tepper School of Business

Professor of Economics and Public Policy (Joint appointment with the Tepper School of Business) at Heinz College

Janet Yellen

Haas School of Business

Brookings Institution

Eugene E. and Catherine M. Trefethen Professor Emeritus of Business Administration at Haas School of Business

Distinguished Fellow in Residence - Economic Studies, The Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at Brookings Institution

Edward Freeland

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Associate Director, Survey Research Center (SRC); Lecturer in Public and International Affairs at Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

David Walker

McDonough School of Business

Boston University

John A Largay Professor at McDonough School of Business

Maurice Poch Faculty Research Scholar, Professor of Law at Boston University

Chiara Farronato

Harvard Business School

Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Joel Shapiro

Said Business School

Fundação Dom Cabral

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Professor of Financial Economics at Said Business School

Mani Subramani

Carlson School of Management

Associate Professor at Carlson School of Management

Isaac Getz

ESCP Europe Business School

PhD in Psychology, Professor at ESCP Europe Business School

Farzad Saidi

Full Professor of Financial Economics, Department of Economics at University of Bonn