Found 999+ experts

Michael Shinagel

Harvard DCE

Michael Sartor

Smith School of Business

Associate Professor & Distinguished Faculty Fellow of International Business at Smith School of Business

Michael Welker

Smith School of Business

Professor and Distinguished Professor of Accounting at Smith School of Business

Michael Werner

CBS Executive

Assistant professor, at CBS Executive

Michael Møller

CBS Executive

Professor, Lic.polit at CBS Executive

Michael Berchtold

Munich Business School

Co-Founder & Managing Director, eSportsReputation GmbH at Munich Business School

Michael Ordosch

Munich Business School

Manager Accounting & Controlling Policies, Siemens AG at Munich Business School

Michael Wessel

CBS Executive

Assistant professor, PhD at CBS Executive

Michael Jakobsen

CBS Executive

Associate professor, ph.d, Director of Strategy and Planning at Asia Research Centre at CBS Executive