Found 335 experts

Daniel Hjorth

CBS Executive

Professor, Dr. Phil at CBS Executive

David Wilcove

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Public Affairs at Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Anthony Saunders

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

John M. Schiff Professorship in Finance at Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Manju Puri

Fuqua School of Business

J. B. Fuqua Professor at Fuqua School of Business

Crystal Reeck

Fox School of Business

Assistant Professor, Marketing and Supply Chain Management at Fox School of Business

Karin Hoisl

CBS Executive

Professor, Dr. at CBS Executive

Lauri Rautkari

Aalto University School of Business

Assistant Professor, Wood Material Science and Technology at Aalto University School of Business

René Rohrbeck

Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Professor, Entrepreneur, Speaker at Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Edwin Neave

Smith School of Business

Professor Emeritus at Smith School of Business