Found 334 experts

James Clawson

Darden School of Business

Johnson & Higgins Professor of Business Administration Emeritus at Darden School of Business

Bernie Wolf

Schulich School of Business

Professor Emeritus of Economics and International Business at Schulich School of Business

Charles Mulford

The Scheller College of Business

Director, GT Financial Reporting & Analysis Lab;Invesco Chair;Professor at The Scheller College of Business

Parveen Gupta

The College of Business and Economics at Lehigh University

Professor of Accounting at The College of Business and Economics at Lehigh University

James McKeen

Smith School of Business

Professor Emeritus at Smith School of Business

Charla Griffy-Brown

Graziadio School of Business and Management

Professor of Information Systems Technology Management; Academic Director, Fully Employed MBA at Graziadio School of Business and Management

Jamie Ladge

D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Associate Professor, Management and Organizational Development at D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Shantanu Dutta

USC Marshall School of Business

Dave and Jeanne Tappan Chair in Marketing, and Professor of Marketing at USC Marshall School of Business

Deborah John

Schulich Executive Learning Centre

Carlson School of Management

Professor, Curtis L. Carlson Chair in Marketing at Carlson School of Management

Anthony LoSasso

DePaul University

Professor and Driehaus Fellow Department of Economics at DePaul University