Found 356 experts

Luis Martins

McCombs School of Business

Professor and Chair, Department of Management at McCombs School of Business

Douglas Schuler

Jones Graduate School of Business

Associate Professor of Business and Public Policy at Jones Graduate School of Business

Christopher Gardner

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Harvard Medical School

Professor (Research) of Medicine at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Mervi Paulasto Kröckel

Aalto University School of Business

Associate Professor , Electrical engineering at Aalto University School of Business

Bruno Cassiman

IESE Business School

Professor of Strategic Management at IESE Business School

Lucas Davis

Haas School of Business

Jeffrey A. Jacobs Distinguished Professor in Business and Technology at Haas School of Business

Dustin Tingley

Harvard Business School

Harvard Kennedy School

Professor of Government at Harvard Business School

William Cunningham

McCombs School of Business

Rotman School of Management

Professor of Marketing at Rotman School of Management

Professor at McCombs School of Business

Gerasimos Sykiotis

Associate Professor in the Faculty of Biology and Medicine

Teck Hua Ho

National University of Singapore

Senior Deputy President & Provost / Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor at National University of Singapore