Found 730 experts

Lawrence Smart

Cornell CALS

Professor at School of Integrative Plant Science Horticulture Section Plant Breeding and Genetics Section at Cornell CALS

Antonio Fatas

INSEAD Business School

Professor of Economics. The Portuguese Council Chaired Professor of European Studies at INSEAD Business School

Ilian Mihov

INSEAD Business School

Human Capital Leadership Institute

Dean of INSEAD. Professor of Economics. The Rausing Chaired Professor of Economic and Business Transformation at INSEAD Business School

Anita Elberse

Harvard Business School

Lincoln Filene Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Terence Burnham

Associate Professor, Economic Science Institute

Dean Fathers


Professor of Resilience and Chair of CORe and LIIRHC ISAB at Lincoln International Business School - University of Lincoln at -

Jan Heng

Harvard Medical School

Assistant Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School

K. Douglas Hoffman

Colorado State University

Professor of Marketing at Colorado State University

Severin Borenstein

Haas School of Business

Professor | E.T. Grether Chair in Business Administration and Public Policy | Faculty Director at Energy Institute at Haas at Haas School of Business

Nicholas Athanassiou

D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Associate Professor of International Business and Strategy Academic Director of Bachelor of Science at D'Amore-McKim School of Business