Found 643 experts

Rebecca Schaumberg

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Assistant Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions at Wharton School of Business University of Pennsylvania at Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Ben Woodeson

London College of Fashion

Douglas Lambert

Fisher College of Business

Raymond E. Mason Chaired Professor Emeritus/Academy Professor at Fisher College of Business

Timothy Loughran

Mendoza College of Business

C.R. Smith Professor of Finance at Mendoza College of Business

Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach


Margaret Walker Alexander Professor at Northwestern University at -

Earl Sasser

Harvard Business School

UPS Foundation Professor of Service Management, Emeritus at Harvard Business School

Paul Manuel

McCourt School of Public Policy

American University School of Public Affairs

Distinguished Scholar in Residence at American University School of Public Affairs

Elizabeth Demers

Professor, Financial Accounting, Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor at University of Waterloo - School of Accounting and Finance

Daniela Hochfellner

NYU Center for Urban Science + Progress

Research Assistant Professor; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service at NYU Center for Urban Science + Progress

Ryan Smerek

Learning and Organizational Change

Associate Professor, MS in Learning and Organizational Change Program at Learning and Organizational Change