Found 417 experts

Eli Talmor

London Business School

Emeritus Professor of Accounting at London Business School

Jane Risen

Booth School of Business

Professor of Behavioral Science and John E. Jeuck Faculty Fellow at Booth School of Business

Eleni Tsingou

CBS Executive

Associate professor, at CBS Executive

Anders La Cour

CBS Executive

Associate professor, PhD at CBS Executive

Mauri Kostiainen

Aalto University School of Business

Associate professor at Aalto University School of Business

Paul Dittmann

Haslam College of Business

Executive Director, Supply Chain Forum at Haslam College of Business

Jacobo Ramirez

CBS Executive

Assistant professor, Assistant Professor in Latin American Business Development at CBS Executive

Lawrence Brown

The Wharton School

Fox School of Business

Professor of Statistics at The Wharton School

Francine Blau

ILR School

Frances Perkins Professor of Industrial and Labor Relations and Professor of Economics at ILR School

Jeffrey Bergstrand

Mendoza College of Business

Professor at Mendoza College of Business