Found 503 experts

Sean Nicholson Crotty

Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Professor Director, Ph.D. Programs in Public Affairs and Public PolicyAdjunct Professor of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences at Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Thomas Dee

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Professor of Education, School of Education at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Suzanne Shu

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Professor Emeritus of Marketing and Behavioral Decision Making at Anderson School of Management

Rebecca R. Kehoe

Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations

Associate Professor of Human Resource Management at Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations

Evan Carr

Columbia Business School

Postdoctoral Research Scholar in the Faculty of Business at Columbia Business School

Gregory Niehaus

Darla Moore School of Business

Professor, Chair, Finance Department at Darla Moore School of Business

Tiemen Woutersen

Eller Executive Education

Associate Professor of Economics, Eller Fellow at Eller Executive Education

Geoffrey Garrett

USC Marshall School of Business

The Wharton School

Dean, The Wharton School at The Wharton School

Dean; Robert R. Dockson Dean’s Chair in Business Administration & Professor of Management and Organization at USC Marshall School of Business

Gabriel Hawawini

INSEAD Business School

Emeritus Professor of Finance at INSEAD Business School

Keith Bybee

Syracuse University

Professor, Political Science at Syracuse University