Found 606 experts

Nicholas Bloom

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Stanford University (ONLINE)

Professor of Economics (by courtesy) at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Daniel Howard

Cox School of Business

Professor of Marketing at Cox School of Business

Kelly Kamm

McCombs School of Business

Distinguished Sr. Lecturer at McCombs School of Business

Gilles Duranton

The Wharton School

Dean's Chair in Real Estate Professor at The Wharton School

Yishay Yafeh

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Professor at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Mark Bradshaw

McCombs School of Business

Carroll School of Management

Lecturer at McCombs School of Business

Professor and Chair of the Department at Carroll School of Management

Christopher Malloy

Harvard VPAL

Harvard Business School

Professor in the Finance Unit at Harvard Business School

Andrew Knight

Olin Business School

Professor of Organizational Behavior, Associate Dean of WashU at Brookings at Olin Business School

David Robinson

Fuqua School of Business


Professor of Finance and J. Re Distinguished Professor of International Management at Fuqua School of Business

Distinguished Affiliate Professor, ESMT Berlin and Professor of Finance, J. Rex Distinguished Professor, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University at ESMT

Rembrand Koning

Harvard Business School

Assistant Professor Of Business Administration at Harvard Business School