Found 342 experts

Jonathan Caulkins

Heinz College

H. Guyford Stever University Professor of Operations Research and Public Policy at Heinz College

Kimberly Griffin

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Päivi Törmä

Aalto University School of Business

Academy Professor at Aalto University School of Business

Steven Finkler

Carey Business School

Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Professor Emeritus of Public and Health Administration, Accounting, and Financial Management at Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Louis Gagnon

Smith School of Business

Professor & Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Finance at Smith School of Business

Amy Edmondson

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Harvard Business School

Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School

Andrew Walder

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Denise O'Leary & Kent Thiry Professor, School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Mark Gooden

Teachers College Columbia University

Professor of Education Leadership at Teachers College Columbia University

George Milne

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Associate Dean of Research & Carney Family Endowed Professor Marketing at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Sirkka Jarvenpaa

McCombs School of Business

Professor at McCombs School of Business