Found 999+ experts

Sen Chai


Associate Professor, Management Department at ESSEC

Thomas Kude


Associate Professor, Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics (IDS) Department at ESSEC

Julien Malaurent


Associate Professor, Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics (IDS) Department at ESSEC

Jeroen Rombouts


Professor, Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics (IDS) Department at ESSEC

Matthew Amengual

Said Business School

Sloan School of Management

Associate Professor at Sloan School of Management

Greg Distelhorst

Rotman School of Management

Assistant Professor at Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources and Strategic Management Area at Rotman School of Management

Thomas Kochan

Sloan School of Management

Professor of Work and Employment Research at Sloan School of Management

Tavneet Suri

Sloan School of Management

Associate Professor of Applied Economics at Sloan School of Management