Found 999+ experts

Cesar Quintana

IE Business School

Associate Teacher - Exec. Master in Digital Transformation & Innovation at IE Business School

Pedro Torres

IE Business School

Associate Professor at IE Business School

Heba Aboulmaaty

Management School ESSCA

Assistant Professor, Accounting and Finance, PhD in Management at Management School ESSCA

Marie Catherine Mars

EDHEC Business School

Coordinator for Marketing Courses, EDHEC BBA & Associate Professor at EDHEC Business School

Annick Ancelin Bourguignon


Professor, Interdisciplinary approaches to management Department at ESSEC

Sandro Castaldo

SDA Bocconi School of Management

Full Professor of the Department of Marketing at SDA Bocconi School of Management

Ingrid Nappi Choulet


Professor, Public and Private Policy Department at ESSEC

Christian Simon

EMLYON Business School

PROFESSOR at EMLYON Business School