Found 999+ experts

Geneviève Helleringer


Professor, Public and Private Policy Department at ESSEC

Chico Teixeira

Fundação Dom Cabral

Isabel Torres-Romero

IESE Business School

Assistant to Professor at Strategic Management Department at IESE Business School

Santiago Levy

School of International and Public Affairs

Brookings Institution

Nonresident Senior Fellow - Global Economy and Development, Brookings Economic and Social Policy in Latin America Initiative at Brookings Institution

Frédéric Oble


Teaching Professor, Marketing Department at ESSEC

Nil Özçaglar-Toulouse


Head of Marketing Research Center at SKEMA

Albert Serra Martín

ESADE Business School

Lecturer, Department of Strategy and General Management at ESADE, URL Lecturer at ESADE Business School

Hamid Bouchikhi


Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship at ESSEC

Hong Liu

Olin Business School

Ludovic Cailluet

EDHEC Business School

Professor of Strategy and Business History at EDHEC Business School