Found 643 experts

Roy Batchelor

Bayes Business School

Professor of Banking & Finance and Director MBA Finance at Cass Business School

Eric Avila

Luskin School of Public Affairs

Professor of Chicana/o Studies, History and Urban Planning at Luskin School of Public Affairs

Molly Reynolds

Brookings Institution

Senior Fellow - Governance Studies at Brookings Institution

Adam Cobb

McCombs School of Business

Associate Professor at McCombs School of Business

Wendy Angst

Mendoza College of Business

Assistant Department Chair, Associate Teaching Professor at Mendoza College of Business

Susan Jung Grant

Boston University

Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing at Boston University

Yusaf Akbar

Central European University

Deputy Head of the Department of Economics and Business Head of the Management Faculty Section, Department of Economics and Business at Central European University

David Faro

London Business School

Associate Professor of Marketing. MSc. (London) PhD (Chicago) at London Business School

Dean Karlan

Kellogg School of Management

Professor of Economics and Finance, Frederic Esser Nemmers Chair Co-Director, Global Poverty Research Lab at Kellogg School of Management

Scott MacKenzie

Kelley School of Business

Professor of MarketingNeal Gilliatt Chair at Kelley School of Business