Found 999+ experts

Robert Carraway

The UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School

Temasek Management Services

Darden School of Business

Associate Professor of Business Administration at Darden School of Business

Ignasi Ferrer

ESADE Business School

Associate Professor at ESADE Business School

Greg La Blanc

Haas School of Business

Lecturer (Continuing), Haas School of Business at Haas School of Business

Joe Haslam

IE Business School

Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship at IE Business School

Mike Rosenberg

IESE Business School

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Professor of the Practice of Management at IESE Business School at IESE Business School

Antonio López De Ávila

IE Business School

Director Corporate Relations Lifestyle IE Business School & Professor of Innovation Management at IE Business School

Johannes Meyer

IE Business School

Programs Director at HPI at IE Business School

Sandra Sieber

UCLA Anderson School of Management

IESE Business School

Professor of Information Systems at IESE Business School

John Almandoz

IESE Business School

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Associate Professor of Managing People in Organizations at IESE Business School