Found 488 experts

Bruce Behn

Haslam College of Business

Deloitte Professor in Accounting, President-Elect, American Accounting Association, Associate Dean for Graduate & Executive Education at Haslam College of Business

Anthony Nyberg

Darla Moore School of Business

USC Marshall School of Business

Professor, Academic Director, Master of Human Resources at Darla Moore School of Business

Andrea Pedrazzani

Assistant Professor at Università degli Studi di Milano

Scott Nestler

Mendoza College of Business

Associate Teaching Professor at Mendoza College of Business

Emily Heaphy

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Assistant Professor Management at University of Massachusetts Amherst

James Rebitzer

Questrom School of Business

Wexler Professor of Management at Questrom School of Management

Sriram Narayanan

Eli Broad College of Business

Faculty Director - Center for Ethical and Socially Responsible Leadership/Full Professor at Eli Broad College of Business

Burhaneddin Sandikçi

Booth School of Business

Professor at Istanbul Technical University / Associate Professor of Operations Management at Booth School of Business

Elizabeth Mannix


Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Professor, Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Management at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Olav Sorenson

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Joseph Jacobs Chair in Entrepreneurial Studies, Professor of Strategy at Anderson School of Management