Found 999+ experts

José Curto Díaz

IE Business School

Professor at IE Business School

Manuel Carpio

IE Business School

Associate Professor at IE Business School

Vangelis Souitaris

Bayes Business School

Professor of Entrepreneurship at Cass Business School

Giovanni Urga

Bayes Business School

Professor of Finance & Econometrics & Director of the Centre for Econometric Analysis at Cass Business School

Andre Calmon

The Scheller College of Business

Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Assistant Professor of Operations Management at The Scheller College of Business

Laurence Capron

INSEAD Business School

Professor of Strategy, The Paul Desmarais Chaired Professor of Partnership and Active Ownership at INSEAD Business School

Pierre Chandon

INSEAD Business School

Professor of Marketing. The L'Oréal Chaired Professor of Marketing - Innovation and Creativity. Director, INSEAD Sorbonne University Behavioural Lab at INSEAD Business School

Horacio Falcao

INSEAD Business School

Senior Affiliate Professor of Decision Sciences at INSEAD Business School

Leonard Evenchik

Carroll School of Management

assistant professor of the practice — information systems department at Carroll School of Management