Found 459 experts

Susan Mohrman

Center for Effective Organizations

Senior Research Scientist at Center for Effective Organizations

David Lewin

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Professor Emeritus, Management and Organizations at Anderson School of Management

Alexander Dunn

Stanford University (ONLINE)

Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Stanford Center for Professional Development

Romain Bertrand

Sciences Po

Research Professor at Sciences Po

Margie Rosenberg

Wisconsin School of Business

Professor - Risk and Insurance. Assurant Health Professor in Actuarial Science at Wisconsin School of Business

Leman Akoglu

Heinz College

Assistant Professor of Information Systems at Heinz College

Elizabeth Petrun Sayers

Fels Institute of Government

Associate Behavioral and Social Scientist, RAND Corporation at Fels Institute of Government

Tammar Zilber

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Associate Professor at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Amy Wrzesniewski

University of Cape Town

Yale School of Management

Professor of Organizational Behavior at Yale School of Management

Gretchen Purser

Syracuse University

Associate Professor, Sociology at Syracuse University